Understand the Five Biotypes of Depression and the Five Integrative Solutions

Over 300 million people suffer from depression globally according to the World Health Organization. This common mental disorder impacts almost every aspect of a person’s life, reducing their ability to function while inducing fatigue and a feeling of worthlessness.

Based on his study of over 30,000 patients and representing disparate chemical imbalances, scientist Dr. William Walsh has defined five depression biotypes. He believes such biotypes may disrupt neurotransmitter or hormone production that regulates mood and energy levels.

Trained in both eastern and western medicine, Yang Institute’s physicians and holistic care specialists conduct comprehensive and thorough evaluations. They then develop customized, strategic plans to address your health and wellness needs. Such individualized plans help them to activate the body’s inner healing—achieving ultimate wellness of mind, body, and spirit. 

Read more to learn the five biotypes of depression and the integrative solutions.


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