How Does Acupuncture Work?

The function and life of human beings depend on the abundance and balance of bio-energy, which is also called Qi. The air we breathe and the food we eat supply the body with bio-energy, which circulates and is distributed to the entire body through energetic channels that are as invisible as the air.

These energetic channels have openings on the surface of the body, and stimulating them with acupuncture needles will help correct energetic imbalances that cause physical and mental dysfunction.

The treatment of acupuncture involves insertion of very thin, disposal, stainless steel needles into the selected acupuncture points. Through tactically manipulating the needles, a skilled acupuncturist is able to touch and regulate the body’s vital energy.

Acupuncture Treatment increases the production of endorphins (your body’s natural pain killer), increases blood circulation, reduces inflammation and the reception of pain signals to the brain.

It takes multiple sessions to generate significant results even though one may feel the improvement after the first few sessions. Each session takes about 30 to 60 minutes depending on the complexity of the conditions.

For over 2,500 years, acupuncture has been used widely in Asia as the primary medical technique for relieving pain, healing chronic diseases, and improving general health.

Schedule an appointment today to learn more about how acupuncture can help you.

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